i am samhain. hear me shriek.

“Angela Isadora Duncan (May 27, 1877 – September 14, 1927), was an American dancer. Duncan’s fondness for flowing scarves was the cause of her death in an automobile accident in Nice, France, when she was [a] passenger in an Amilcar. Her silk scarf, draped around her neck, became entangled around the open-spoked wheels and rear axle, breaking her neck.”

This year’s main costume is “partially decapitated Isadora Duncan.” I doubt I need say more.
For reference, the real Isadora Duncan looked like this:

The following is my approximation. I’ve kept this costume a secret for weeks now. It’s one of the best costume ideas I’ve ever had, and I couldn’t risk thievery.

She was a dancer, after all.

Author: skye

I aspire to be a bright-eyed girl in a big city, even though I wear glasses and live in what amounts to a hole in the ground.

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