cruella de bright


How formulaic my outfits have become. How predictable my eccentricity. With my reliance on ModCloth florals and nauseating prints, I’ve almost begun to bore myself. But I can’t stop: this is who I’ve been lately. Things dark and quiet revolt me. I’m in mad love with all things loud and bright, and I can’t resist sharing.


I don’t remember the last time I had a truly gothic sartorial urge. All brights all the time. I feel so out of place with my pagan friends and my haunt production team – clad as they are in goth boots and black lipstick. But rest assured that I haven’t lost the creepy edge. I still read about serial killers and fall asleep to creepypastas every night. I just don’t want – these days, anyway – to dress like it.






Author: skye

I aspire to be a bright-eyed girl in a big city, even though I wear glasses and live in what amounts to a hole in the ground.

4 thoughts on “cruella de bright”

  1. Definitely nothing wrong with that πŸ™‚ I’m a sucker for florals and all things bright too and though it may get old…it never gets old, hehe. Really love this print and color combo Skye!

  2. There’s nothing wrong with wearing something of bright colors. I understand as I love bright colors as well especially for Spring and Summer. Love your outfit Skye coz it has a vintagy touch. I like wearing vintage dress or vintage inspired ones. πŸ™‚

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